Escape Mobile : La Tente
Endlessly interchangeable scenarios!
The concept:
Mobile Escape-Games in short format (15/20 minutes) with scenarios you can change in the blink of an eye.
Easy to transport / quick to set up, this turnkey concept is ready to play!
Set out to conquer new markets, this “made in France” Escape-Game is featured with ultra-realistic settings.
Eight scenarios are already available 👇
- The museum: the heist of the century
- The quest for the grail: dive into History
- The saloon: is there a sheriff in town?
- The Gold Medal: Every second counts
- Overlord: the secret mission
- Spellbinding: Break the Curse
- The Christmas House
- Bullying Alert! Never Again
Tailored scenarios available! Imagine your story and we’ll bring it to life!
Choice of 9m2 or 16m2 “Barnum” tents
- Attractive price/quick return on investment
- 5 to 10 times less expensive than a conventional escape room. 0 rent / 0 commercial space to pay for
- Scenarios created by France’s #1 as mobile escape games creators.